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- Struggling with the Standing Splits balance? Take the option or hold onto a chair or the wall with the opposite hand (so if you’re moving the left leg, hold onto a chair with your right hand).
- When we extend the front leg and float the arms backward, keep this nice and slow, engage the core and make the movement smaller to begin with. It’s important to keep the front knee micro-bent to protect the joint. Once again, really focus on keeping those hips square.
- For Triangle (Trikonasana) and Half Moon (Arda Chandrasana), ensure that there is a slight micro-bend in your standing/front leg. Focus on opening up that top hip.
- MerryBody classes are not designed to suit the needs of pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please seek approval from your doctor before commencing any of our classes. You remain solely responsible for your safety and wellbeing when using our classes. If you do commence this class please ensure you make the following modifications:
- Squats: rather than placing your fingertips on the Earth, simply keep them on your hips. Also, feel free to keep the heels on the Earth when coming on to the tip toes.
- Standing Splits: take the option or hold onto a chair or the wall with the opposite hand (so if you’re moving the left leg, hold onto a chair with your right hand).
- Lunge Extends: simply keep lunging so your torso remains upright.
Forward Folds: keep the feet hip-shoulder distance apart. When slightly twisting in the forward fold, remain centered.
When we come down to the Earth, carefully sit down.