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- Use a blanket or towel under hip bones for the Back Extension sequence. Focus on squeezing the booty and strengthening both the moving leg and the stationary leg. This means engaging the quadriceps so you feel a lift of the knee cap.
- For Whale Tales, try to keep the knees off the Earth. SQUEEZE that booty! It doesn’t matter how high you get, in face you will probably only lift a little! Keep the belly pulled in toward the back bone.
- For our Plank Series, the option is to be on your knees. Ensure your hands are directly under your shoulders. No matter if you’re on your toes or knees, press the hands into the Earth and draw the shoulders away from the ears. Engage the core by pulling the belly button toward the back bone.
- Use a blanket or towel under your knees for the Stabiliser sequence. Make sure your hands are directly under your shoulders, knees directly under your hips. Focus on lengthening the arm and leg, rather than lifting high. Keep the torso steady by engaging the core.
- For Locust Pose (Salabhasana), ensure you really squeeze your butt and pull your shoulder blades together when you lift the chest, arms and legs. Keep your gaze down toward the Earth, just in front of your nose.
- For Half Bow Pose (Ardha Dhanurasana) focus on pressing the bound ankle into the hand and lifting the thigh off the Earth, squeezing both butt cheeks. Gaze is down toward the Earth, just in front of the nose.
- This class is not suitable for you and bubba as there is lots of lying on the belly. Instead, give Rise Queen Pilates a go!