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- Try to follow the inhale/exhale cue to get the most out of your detoxifying twists.
- In your low and high lunge, your front knee is directly over the ankle, the knee tracks over the toes, try not to let the knee fall in or sway out.
- When you’re lying down, twisting the knee across the body, ensure your bent knee finds the Earth. You can help keep it pressed down with your opposite hand. If it doesn’t reach, place a blanket underneath the knee.
- MerryBody classes are not designed to suit the needs of pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please seek approval from your doctor before commencing any of our classes. You remain solely responsible for your safety and wellbeing when using our classes. If you do commence this class please ensure you make the following modifications:
- Thread the Needle Twist: rather than reach the arm under the arm pit, keep it extended up toward the sky, hold here and then swap sides.
- Low and High Lunge Twists: go through the same movements, except twist the opposite way, creating an open twist.
- Seated Twist (Arda Matsyendrasana): create an open twist rather than twisting toward the knee.
- Childs Pose (Balasana): take the knees wide.
- Supine Twist: instead of bringing knee to chest and twisting, simply place both soles of the feet on the Earth, mat distance apart. Slowly drop both knees to the left, hold and breathe, then slowly swap sides (you will repeat this twist twice).
- Instead of rolling up, simply roll to your left hand side and press yourself up.