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- There really is no right or wrong. The most important thing to remember is that you can never go too deep but you can go too fast. Breathe it all in, move slowly.
- Take your time getting into the postures, once you feel comfortable, then commit to your stillness.
- It’s normal for the body to feel quite vulnerable after a Yin class, this is why the rebounds are so important, don’t skip them, this is the magic!
- MerryBody classes are not designed to suit the needs of pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please seek approval from your doctor before commencing any of our classes. You remain solely responsible for your safety and wellbeing when using our classes. If you do commence this class please ensure you make the following modifications:
- This class is perfect for you and bubba! Not too many modifications, just a few notes to keep in mind.
- Childs Pose (Balasana): take the knees a little wider to allow space for bubba.
- When we roll up from the Earth, skip this, instead roll to your left hand side and gently press yourself up.