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- This flow is slow, take your time to move into each posture. There is no pushing, just melting.
- MerryBody classes are not designed to suit the needs of pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please seek approval from your doctor before commencing any of our classes. You remain solely responsible for your safety and wellbeing when using our classes. If you do commence this class please ensure you make the following modifications:
- This class is perfect for you and bubba.
- During Child’s Pose, you may not be able to use the pillow, ensure your knees are wide to allow space for bubba.
- During Ardha Pawanmuktasana and Half Happy Baby, you may need to take the knee wider around the belly area, even allow the foot to rest on the Earth.
- For reclined Supta Baddha Konasana, take the backbend easy, you may need to skip this posture, instead, you can simply rest on your left side.