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- For Thunderbolt, the shoulder, booty and feet are all in one line. Legs are outstretched further than your regular Oyster.
- Ensure you press the forearm on the Earth down, this way you won’t drop into the shoulder.
- Focus on bringing ribs toward the hips and the belly button drawing in, this will allow a lift of the underside of the body.
- OPTION: leave all crunches and upper body movements out of your practise, simply do the leg movements, this is still an epic core workout!
- For Deer Pose Twist, you can use a bolster or cushion under the torso for extra support. Focus on letting go of tension. Focus on the breath.
- For Reclined Pigeon twist, ensure the top foot is flexed and over the bent knee to protect the joints.
- MerryBody classes are not designed to suit the needs of pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please seek approval from your doctor before commencing any of our classes. You remain solely responsible for your safety and wellbeing when using our classes. If you do commence this class please ensure you make the following modifications:
- The Thundertbolt series is great for you, you may like to rest completely on your side, rather than on your forearm.
- Both Yin stretches are twist based, so you will need to swap these.
- For the first Yin Pose: Deer Pose Twist, instead, lie on your back with your feet mat distance, simply drop both knees to the left for the first round, then repeat dropping the knees to the right for the second round.
- For the second Yin Pose: skip the twist in Reclined Pigeon and simply hold the booty stretch.
- For crunches, leave out all top half body crunch movements and simply do the leg movements shown.