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- For Eagle Pose (Garudasana) really squeeze your thighs together and try to lift your elbows high while keeping your shoulders down! Again, find that one point of focus and breathe, breathe, breathe.
- MerryBody classes are not designed to suit the needs of pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please seek approval from your doctor before commencing any of our classes. You remain solely responsible for your safety and wellbeing when using our classes. If you do commence this class please ensure you make the following modifications:
- Childs Pose (Balasana): take the knees wide.
- For all Forward Folds, you may need to take your feet a little wider to make room for baby.
- When ‘washing it off’ and folding forward fast, you may want to skip this and stay in a Forward Fold instead.
- For Garland Pose (Malasana), you may like to stay higher out of the squat, placing elbows on thighs.