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- For Chaturanga Dandasana (yogi push up), before you lower, shine your heart slightly, draw the shoulders away from the ears and press the heels away. As you lower, elbows scrape the ribs, pull the belly button toward the back bone, press the Earth away, this will create a feeling of lightness. Use the same cues if taking the modification.
- For your Upward Facing Dog (Urdva Mukha Svanasana), ensure that when you glide through your knees stay off the Earth. You squeeze the butt and the shoulders stay down, away from the ears. Hands should be directly under your shoulders. Gaze at the horizon.
- If you’re taking the option in Baby Cobra, squeeze the legs together, squeeze your booty, toes stay on the Earth. Hands by the ribs, the chest lifts, the shoulder blades squeeze together, the shoulders are away from the ears, the elbows squeeze behind you and the hands lift slightly off the Earth. Gaze down keeping the neck long.
- MerryBody classes are not designed to suit the needs of pregnant or breastfeeding women. Please seek approval from your doctor before commencing any of our classes. You remain solely responsible for your safety and wellbeing when using our classes. If you do commence this class please ensure you make the following modifications:
- Skip Chaturanga and up dog and instead, go through a cat/cow breath.
- Instead of doing the twist on the belly, lie on your back, take your feet mat distance and windscreen wiper the knees one way and then the other.
- Instead of the shoulder stretch on the belly, keep lying on your back and simply take your right arm across your body, wrap your left elbow under and feel the shoulder stretch. Swap sides.